We have been talking about how our school is safe and welcoming.
Remember to wear your Orange Shirt Tomorrow.
Ms. Florea: irflorea@cbe.ab.ca Mrs.Reguly: kareguly@cbe.ab.ca Ms. Cadman: ebcadman@cbe.ab.ca
We have been talking about how our school is safe and welcoming.
Remember to wear your Orange Shirt Tomorrow.
Our last week was a busy one. We have been working hard on our Shape Books and are looking forward to bringing them home this week. Students continue to work on remembering to write their names on the work they produce. We also have a new centre at school, the Arts and Crafts Centre. It is open during center time. This is a great place for experimenting with writing , drawing, collaborating, and reading.
In math, we have been practicing counting and we begun estimating numbers of objects. Kids are learning to an informed 'guess about how many objects might be in a container. We talked about how an estimation might not be as precise as counting however it is possible to approximate a number of objects by looking carefully and thinking about a possible number.
We have also been researching Fall and collecting leaves.Some children have been asking if they can bring leaves to school. Please help them place any interesting leaves they find in a plastic bag and have them place the bag inside their backpack. On Thursday we read a story called Leaf Man. The students wanted to look for Leaf Man around their home over the weekend and make their own leaf art.
Here is a link to the story: Leaf Man
Dear Families,
Since the first day of school we have been busy getting to know each other, making friends, learning new things, and getting used to new routines that help us stay safe and healthy.
Over the last week we have been busy exploring shapes as well as writing or tracing our names and the names of all the shapes we have been studying. All of our work will come together in the first book project of the year. This project incorporates math, language arts, as well as art.
Our shape books are almost ready to come home, but first we must practice presenting our learning to others. The kids are eager to showcase their work and can't wait to share their books with their families.
In science we have been looking at seasonal changes . The kids are noticing the leaves are changing color and are wondering how and why this is happening.
Last week we have been busy exploring standard and non-standard measurement. We even went outside and measured the length and height of br...