Sunday, March 14, 2021

Weekly Update

Hello families,

Over the past week we have added the letters Ll and Kk to our alphabet books: we drew pictures of things that start with these letters , we wrote words and we even tried to write some sentences to show our learning.

In science and social studies we have been looking for signs of spring and exploring ways to show independence at school. 

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Weekly Update


Over the past week we have been busy exploring the letters Dd, Ee, Ff, Vv, and learning to sound out words that are written with the letters and sounds we have studied so far. 

In math we continue to work on counting. We started to make groups of objects that we can count together. Children have been encouraged to practice these skills everyday through lessons and play-based activities.

We were very excited to count one hundred days of school, It has taken us since September to get this far. Well done Kinders! 

Weekly Update

  Last week we have been busy exploring standard and non-standard measurement. We even went outside and measured the length and height of br...