Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Halloween Reminders

Hello Families,

Kindergarten students can choose to wear a Halloween costume or their  favorite pajama to school on Wednesday October 28 and Thursday October 29. 

Please remember to keep all accessories home as they can get easily damaged or lost. 

Wednesday we will have a regular school day.

Thursday is a Half day. Students will be dismissed at 12:00.

We hope to her from all our families during Parent - Teacher Conferences. If you are having trouble signing up for conferences please call the office at (403) 777-8180

Conferences will be done over the phone on Thursday October 29 from 1:00-8:00 pm

Please book a 15 minute conference with your child's teacher. 

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Weekly Update

Hello Families,

Over the past week we have been busy practicing drawing pictures and copying text while following step by step directions. We have also been looking at fiction and non-fiction books while reading about Fall and Halloween. 
In math we have began looking at patters and learning about a variety of ways to identify patterns. We are continuing to experiment with counting and recognizing numbers.

This week we are looking forward to talking to all our families on Thursday from 1:00 - 8:00 pm.
If you haven't already done so, please book a conference time with your child's teacher online, or by calling the school office at (403)777-8180

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Weekly Update

 Hello Families,

To listen and practice "Five Little Pumpkins" Click Here

This week we are beginning to wrap up our Fall unit. 

Students have also begun learning a new song. We will keep learning our "Five Little Pumpkins" song until Halloween. There are many skills the kids can practice using this poem: they can practice counting and using their own fingers,  making connections between text and pictures as well as practicing pre-reading skills such as tracking text with their index finger, following text from left to right and top to bottom, as well ass using oral language and exploring dramatic play. 

The song will be placed in their "Songs and Poems Book" and will come home next week. 

In the meantime you can help them practice by clicking the link above. 

Monday, October 12, 2020

Weekly Update

This past week in Kindergarten we continued our fall inquiry. 
The highlight of our week was jumping in the leaves, then going back inside to practice reading our fall song. Most of the kids brought home their first song in their Songs and Poems book: "Autumn Leaves" 
Pease read the first page of your child's Songs and Poems folder.  It contains information about how to use and enjoy the songs and poems with your child. 
Please make sure the folder comes back to school in your child's backpack on their first day back to school after the long weekend. 
In art, students explored being thankful for the important things in their lives lives: mom, dad, siblings, a place to call home, friends (please see the picture above) and many others. 
We wrapped up the week with making decorative turkeys. Please look above for a picture of our flock!

Monday, October 5, 2020

Weekly Update


Over the past week we have been practicing a song called "Autumn Leaves are Falling Down".

By the end of the week, your child will be bringing this song home to practice and enjoy with everyone. 

At school, we will begin working on pre-reading skills and by the end of the week we hope to be ready to 

bring this first song home. 

When the "Songs and Poems" book comes home, please read the information on the first page. 

It will help  you understand the purpose of the folder/book as well as how to use it. 

On Sunday, make sure yo pack the Songs and Poems folder/book in your child's. backpack as we will

 need to place a new song inside. 

To see the video and listen to the "Autumn Leaves are Falling Down"  song  click here


Thursday, October 1, 2020

Kindergarten Rooms- Health Measures and Images

 Dear families ,

We have been working hard to make our rooms safe by taking many health and safety measures. Here are some pictures that illustrate some of the health measures we have been taking in Kindergarten this year.  

Room 11 Classroom:

Individual student bins:

Sanitizing stations and hand washing (sink):

Mask protocols poster created with the students:

Room 12 Classroom:

Individual student bins:

Sanitizing station and hand washing (sink):

Mask On/Off visuals:

Weekly Update

  Last week we have been busy exploring standard and non-standard measurement. We even went outside and measured the length and height of br...