Monday, November 23, 2020

Weekly Message

This past week we have started our Alphabet Unit. Our new alphabet books are looking great. The first letters we will be studying are:  Ss, Tt, Aa, Ii, Mm. 

We have introduced a new alphabet song. This song will be a recurring song amongst others. It might take a while for kids to correctly be able to read the song. Please practice as often as possible. 

Please click the link to listen to our Alphabet song. 

Monday, November 16, 2020

Weekly Message

Hello Families,

Last week we were busy learning about the meaning of Remembrance Day and the importance of peace.We pondered about how lucky we are to live in peaceful place. Students also made connections to the Circle of Courage and especially Belonging we thought about feeling safe and loved and having access to the important things we need, such as: family, food, shelter, clean water and education. 



Sunday, November 8, 2020

Weekly Update

Over the course of the week we have been practicing our current song "Light a Candle for Peace". "Songs and Poem"s books were sent home on Thursday and Friday. Please take a moment to enjoy reading and singing with your child. Remind them to use their finger to track the text and point to pictures.  The pictures will help them remember the words in the song. If you would like to find links to videos for any of the songs in your child's "Songs and Poems" book please look at our posts from past weeks.

In social studies we have been learning about Remembrance Day and the importance of peace. If you have any family members, or know of any people who have been in a war please share some of the stories with your child.   
There is no school on Wednesday due to Remembrance Day. 

In math we continued to work with patterns and counting. Here is a link to a counting song the kids have been singing and dancing to:

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Weekly Update

Over the past week we continued to look at fiction and non fiction stories. We are learning to follow step by step directions and to copy text.  

In math we have been practicing extending patterns and understanding numbers. In social studies we have begun talking about the Circle of Courage and specifically about Belonging. We will continue this work throughout the year. We have also begun practicing a new song will be singing for the Virtual Remembrance Day assembly.

Please help your child practice this song by clicking the link below:

Weekly Update

  Last week we have been busy exploring standard and non-standard measurement. We even went outside and measured the length and height of br...